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Host a Panel at Penti-con 2024

Penti-con 2024 Fan Panels Submission (NOW CLOSED)

We're super excited to see what panels YOU want to run at our convention! 


We have 4 panel rooms this year, so there's lots of opportunity for content! Unless previously stated in your application and approved by staff, content must be suitable for those 14 and under, so please use appropriate language. We are an all ages event and want to make things as accessible to everyone as possible. 


If you do wish to run content that is adult oriented, please note that in your submission and we will contact you about the logistics of making this happen.


Panels will be limited to an hour each in length. If you need extra time, we will review it on a case by case basis. There will be a 15 minute buffer between each panel to make sure the panel rooms and areas are clean and clear of people between each panel, and allow for setup time.

Please fill out the form below to apply for a panel. They are NOT first come first served. We will be approving them based on content. 


Our event has a focus on educational content, and will prioritise submissions with an educational component. Examples of this include but are not limited to: Intro to D&D Character Creation, How To Tame Your Sewing Machine, Intro to Making Comics, as some examples. Non educational panels will still be approved, so please do submit just for fun panels too!


The deadline for submission is September 4th at midnight, and you will hear by September 12th if your panels have been accepted and what time it's been scheduled for. Upon submission you will receive a confirmation email to the email you provided. If you do not get that email, please check your spam folder and contact us if it did not appear there either. We will be aiming to have our schedule out for public viewing on September 23rd at the latest.


Tech available is as follows for some of the panel rooms: 

  • A projector or TV with HDMI connection

The panel rooms are small enough to not need a microphone or sound system.


We will have a workshop space in our interactive area this year.  This location will have tables and chairs for attendees to sit at, and stand to watch. This would be for demonstrations or tutorials, or work along activities where a quiet setting is not needed. Some workshop and work along activities will still take place in a panel room. In the form, please indicate if you would prefer the open workshop space or a panel room.


Badge Information:

NOTE: DO NOT PURCHASE YOUR BADGE IF YOU WANT TO RUN A PANEL. We will email you with instructions on how this will work after the panel submission deadline has passed.

  • For running 1 hour of content, you'll receive a weekend badge for free to the Penti-con 2024. 

    • If you've already bought your badge, you can give it to someone else or put it towards 2025. We are unable to do refunds for badges already purchased.

  • The main panellist (submitter) is the one eligible for a free badge.

    • If there are others running your panel with you, please put their names in the form and note in the comments you would like an extra badge provided, and we can evaluate if that is doable. This will be considered on a case by case basis as one free badge is the standard for our convention.

    • If you submit more than one panel and they are approved, for each panel you may receive one additional free badge for a co-panelist, again on a case by case basis. The person whom you give this extra badge to MUST be helping with your panel. If you are found to be taking advantage of our free badge incentive for panellists to give to those who are not assisting you in presenting, you may be barred from running panels in the future at our event.


If you have any questions about panels please email 


There will be a mandatory panellist check on the day of your panel, to make sure you are there to run your panel. Closer to the convention approved panellists will be contacted with the information on where this is. You will be required to check in at least 10 minutes before your panel begins, and  be in your panel room at least 5 minutes before your panel starts to set up. In the case no one shows up at the beginning of your panel, you must remain in the room for 10 minutes to give people a chance to arrive for your panel. If no one shows up, you must inform convention staff or volunteers after the 10 minute mark and the panel will be marked as cancelled on our schedule board. This will not affect your eligibility for a free badge as you did put in work to run the panel.

  • If you do not check in with Penti-con staff, your panel will be marked as cancelled and you may be barred from running panels in future


If you are a community group, organisation, or company whom usually would not attend The Penti-Con (Like a dance group or theatre company for example) but would like to present a panel or workshop, please email us at and we will see what we can work out with you.


Please fill out the following form for as many panels as you wish to submit. Each panel must be on a separate form.

We look forward to seeing what you want to run!

The Penti-con is put on by the non profit organization: The Penti-con Association
By attending our event you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.

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