The Penti-Con
Penticton's Annual Pop Culture Art Festival
Coming October 2025
Cosplay Masquerade
The Penti-con 2024 Cosplay Masquerade
This is a performance-only based contest, meaning you don't need to make your costume to be able to enter. Come take to the stage and show off, no matter your skill level!
Walk-ons will be limited to 45 seconds or less.
Please submit your custom walk on music in MP3 or WAV format, to be played while you take the stage when you fill out the sign-up form. If your music is longer than 45 seconds, it will not be played, no exceptions. Audacity is a great free software you can use to mix and cut audio.
File MUST have your cosplay name (as submitted on the sign up form) and character name (as submitted on the sign up form) as the file name. Example: SakuraElric-Junpei-Penti24walkon
Your cosplay name and character name MUST appear first on the file name.
Please include in your application a small description to be read out at the event during your walk on. This can be about your character or about your costume, whichever you see fit.
Sign up will close on October 20th at midnight. You should hear from us by the 23rd when and where the contest will take place. If we have reached our contestant capacity, we will notify by email if you did not make it, and if you wish to be on a waitlist. We will do our best to confirm your entry into the contest within a week of your submission. If you have not heard back after a week, please email for a follow up.
If we have not reached our capacity, we will be allowing sign ups at the convention on the day of. We however encourage you to sign up early to secure your spot and custom audio.
Awards available:
Best Walk-On
Judges reserve the right to change participant’s categories or award as many or as few awards as they wish. Construction participants can also win this award.
If you have any questions please feel free to email our cosplay contest coordinator at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.