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Cosplay Contest & Masquerade

General Information

Penti-con Cosplay Contest 2024
General Rules and Expectations

The following rules are for all our cosplay related contest content.

This year we have 2 different cosplay competitions:

  • Cosplay Contest for Construction 

  • Cosplay Masquerade for Performance only


Construction participants cannot enter the Masquerade separately, as a walk-on performance is part of the Construction part to show off to the judges and the audience.


To enter any of the above contests these rules must be followed. By entering the contests you are agreeing to and have read and understood the rules for the specific contest you are entering.


  • You must have a ticket for the Penti-con 2024 valid for the day of these contests (Saturday of the convention).


  • You must be 14 or older to compete in any of our Main Stage Cosplay events. There will be no exceptions.


  • We do not allow sharp metal objects or previously functioning projectiles at our event for props.

    • If you are unsure if your prop is okay to bring, please email us.

    • All props and weapons will need to be Peace Bonded. By Peace Bonding your weapon you agree that you will not hit or hurt anyone with it. We will attach a tie to your prop to signify it has been peace bonded.

    • Our expanded prop policy can be found here: WEAPONS AND PROP POLICY


  • You must bring everything off the stage that you came on with. Confetti and glitter bombs, etc are not allowed. Usage of these items will result in immediate disqualification and you will be barred from competing at our event.


  • Costumes that have been entered in any prior Penti-con Cosplay Contest will not be allowed.


  • Any costume that has won a major award (Top of category or division, Best in Show) at an event around the same size or larger will not be allowed in the construction competition. Costumes that have been entered in other competitions but have no major awards will be allowed. Sandbagging is prohibited at our event and any allegations will be investigated promptly.

    • Costumes with significant work done on them since a win may be allowed, but please email to discuss eligibility.


  • Construction participants must have made at least 60% of their own costume to qualify. Please refer to the Construction information page for more details. Failure to make 60% or more of your costume will result in disqualification. 


  • Masquerade participants can use bought costumes in this category, as this is solely performance based.


  • We have a strict no tolerance policy on changing your skin tone to be that of another human's skin tone. This is not allowed in any of our competitions and anyone found doing so will be disqualified immediately.

    • This ONLY applies to a real person's skin tone.

    • Changing your skin for fantasy races is completely fine so long as they do not have a skin tone of a real human.

      • Example: any character that has blue, pink, red, grey, etc coloured skin that does not emulate a real human's skin tone is allowed.


  • Custom music will be limited to 45 seconds or less and is to be submitted at the time of sign-up. Music MUST be cut to the time limit or below, or it will not be played, no exceptions. Audacity is a great free software you can use to mix and cut audio.


If you have any questions please feel free to email our cosplay contest coordinator at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


Please check out the expanded rules below for entering the contests and related forms to do so by clicking the button related to the contest you wish to enter.


All cosplay events registration close on Oct 20th at midnight, unless available spots fill up before then. Be sure to submit early then for your best chance at getting a spot! You will receive an email the week of the convention with details of contest information and locations. We will do our best to confirm your entry into the contest within a week of your submission. If you have not heard back after a week, please email for a follow up.


This year we will have a raised stage with wheelchair ramp access, and a larger backstage space then previous years.

Ready to enter? Click your preferred contest!

The Penti-con is put on by the non profit organization: The Penti-con Association
By attending our event you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.

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